디자인오픈콜라보하우스 SOLIS IDC

그 문을 열다

Who is SolisIDC for?

Who is SolisIDC for?

SolisIDC’s 6 shared stories.

Who is SolisIDC for?

SolisIDC’s 6 shared stories.

Who is SolisIDC for?

SolisIDC’s 6 shared stories.

Who is SolisIDC for?

SolisIDC’s 6 shared stories.

Who is SolisIDC for?

SolisIDC’s 6 shared stories.

Who is SolisIDC for?

SolisIDC’s 6 shared stories.

솔리스IDC에 대한 FAQ"

솔리스IDC에 궁금한 점을 여기서 해결하세요!


서로의 성공 파트너, SOLIS IDC


The center of domestic and global data centers.

  • 01

    Connect Seoul and Busan Data centers located
    in the heart of the country.

    Largest secure and best central data center located between Seoul Metropolitan area and Busan.

  • 02

    Optimal safe backup data center
    for domestic finance and businesses.

    Ideal data center for financials and leading companies located more than 40KM away from Seoul and
    the metropolitan area.
    Data centers that collect data such as auto-driving, flying cars, and drones in central areas.

  • 03

    Large scale GPU server supply center
    for global services of game companies and content companies.

    Data center that can provide the largest space for content services such as world famous games, Disney, and Netflix.

  • 04

    Indonesia, Vietnam, China and Japan
    Secure Hub Data Center.

    Hub-type data centers that can serve China, Japan, as well as Southeast Asia, which are close to stable power and services.